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Blogspc Web 2.0

Blogging Better with a Faster Internet Connection

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 11:17 AM PDT

Blogging and microblogging has become increasingly popular particularly with the growing use of social media websites like Twitter and Facebook. A fast Internet connection can significantly improve your blogging experience making it easier to churn out postings on a regular basis.

Good blogging requires keeping up with the latest news, conducting online research, writing and publishing blog posts, and responding to comments or making comments on other blogs. All of this Internet activity can become burdensome if your Internet connection speeds are slow.

Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to speed up data transmission rates.

Fast Internet service

The first thing, of course, is to make sure you are using a high speed Internet provider when you go online. In addition to home and office broadband, you can now access high speed 3G and 4G mobile broadband services for blogging while on the go.

To ensure that you are getting the advertised speed from your Internet service provider, you should run an Internet speed test using one of many available free software applications. The Internet speed test can help you determine the quality of service that you are getting from your provider. Do not hesitate to switch providers until you are able to find a company that delivers what it promises.

If you are connecting using mobile devices, remember that speeds are faster in urban areas where a large number of WiFi hotspots are found. Some WiFi connections can offer rates at up to 1 gigabit per second. However, the speeds will be much slower when you must rely on the mobile signal for your Internet connection.

Fine tuning your computer

A poor performing desktop or laptop can really slow things down including the rate at which you can surf the Internet. No matter how fast your connection is, it will not matter much if your computer is bogged down and not able to process data at a comparable speed.

Generally if you have use of broadband, you should have a powerful processor and sufficient memory to handle the job. There are measures you can take to make sure that the computer is running at top speeds. Defragmenting your disks cleans up the filing system so that your computer can more quickly access data.

You can also remove old, unused files and programs as these take up space and also slow down the file system. Dump all your temporary files including the browser cache on a regular basis. Run a virus scan regularly to ensure that you no malicious software is slowing down your computer.

In addition, check to ensure that you do not have more than one firewall running at a time. They basically do the same thing and running more than one does not provide extra security, but it does slow down performance.

Not all web browsers run at the same speed. You might want to experiment with different browsers to see which one performs the best on your computer. Google Chrome is rated as the fastest browser on the market with speeds well ahead of any competitors.

Updating equipment

Old computers and modems can also slow down your Internet experience. As computers age, they fall behind in speed and other capabilities necessary for them to handle new software and connection rates. Check the processing speeds and RAM memory of new computers and compare them to your computer's capabilities. You should be able to tell if your system is simply lagging too far behind the newest technology. Modems and routers should also be checked for proper functioning especially if they are more than a few years old.

A Guest post from Spencer Hogg at Broadband Expert where you can compare high speed internet providers.

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Newest Social Media Service from Google – Google+

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 08:17 AM PDT

One of the latest hottest news in the internet is that Google released its newest Social Media Platform, Google+. This is a Social Media service served by Google's Top Secret Social Media team, and it has all the best feature of Google Buzz, Google Wave, and Orkut, which is combined into a Social Network service named Google+.

Obviously this is serious move from Google to give Facebook a hit, as we knew before that google tried to catch up with its Google Wave (many consider it as a failed project). We also know Google Buzz, that came as a media for information sharing that directly integrated with Google Mail users, yet this Google Buzz didn't have a chance to boom between the internet users.

That's not all Google's attempts to blow its popularity in social network, the well-known Orkut has been bought by Google to be integrated into Gmail. But with all those things, worldwide internet users more prefer to use Facebook rather than Google's Services as their social network service.

As Google+ released, it seems that there will be a tight competition between Google and Facebook. Not long after Google+ release, it has been a hot news around the world and people's been waiting to join in Google+.

This Google+ is temporarily not available to use freely by users fo now. Only few certain users chosen by Google to be a tester of this Google+, and for those who is invited by users joined in Google+. It's done for a purpose, that is when Google+ officially releases it, Google+ is hoped to be the world's most interesting and attractive social media.

I've tried Google+ myself and in my own opinion this service is great and worth a try to use. I've invited my friends to join in Google+, and they give a good response and believe that this will be a tough competitor for Facebook. For you who can not join Google+ yet, just wait next update in this site so that I can invite you to join Google+ (for your information, meanwhile Google+ unable the invite friends feature).






Start from here, I'll begin to discuss Google+ features. Feel curious about Google+? You can see some pictures and watch some videos I've provided here in this post.

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AdBanner Remover Plus – Remove Ads on Yahoo Messenger

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 05:32 AM PDT

AdBanner Remover Plus is a tool to remove advertisements on Yahoo Messenger application, so it'll give you more space. By removing those ads on your Yahoo Messenger, your login and loading process will be more light and fast.

Besides removing ads on YM application, this software can also be used for Multi Login ID (Multi YM). So that we can have more than one Yahoo Messenger Application running on our PC, and then login with more than one ID.

The latest version of this AdBanner Remover Plus works for all Yahoo Messenger version begin from YM9, YM10, and also the latest version of Yahoo Messenger (YM After you configured this software on you Yahoo Messenger, but then you want to reset all the configuration into the basic YM configuration you have earlier, you're be able to do so with this software.

AdBanner Remover Plus

  • Remove Main Messenger Advert
  • Replace Change Room Banner
  • Remove Chat Room Advert
  • Replace Webcam Adverts
  • Replace Video Call Advert – ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )
  • Remove IM Statusbar Advert – ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )
  • Enable / Disable Multiple Instances of Yahoo Messenger 11, 10, 9, or 8
  • Disable “Automatically start Yahoo Messenger” – ( When Windows Starts )
  • Enable / Disable Smiley Search – ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )

Yahoo UI Options – ( Yahoo Messenger 11 and 10 Only )

  • Remove Insider Button
  • Remove Email Button
  • Remove Mobile Button
  • Remove Voice Button
  • Remove Contact Card
  • Remove Plugins Toolbar
  • Remove Contacts Tab
  • Remove YUpdates Tab
  • Remove System Notifications

For Windows Vista and Windows Seven users, you have to run this program as the administrator, as you can do this by choosing "Run as Administrator" on your right-click option.

AdBanner Remover Plus

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